Monday, June 3, 2019

After the Leap of Faith

The leap was taken a lifetime back
been falling since
Leap of Faith
floating first, then almost flying
to the edge of time
to hit the ground.
The higher the climb,
the better the view
one milestone to another,
the best of a hike, to reach the zenith,
the steepest, tallest cliff
to lay eyes on close
to that vast magical view
 of the valley of life and take that leap
of faith, freedom, or fright
for love, life, and light.
The higher the climb,
the steeper the fall
as the earth rushes faster
towards me each second
I enjoy the view of the vast valley of life
doesn't matter if I die
crash my head, my heart
on those beds of fossilized rocks
doesn't matter, not anymore;
this view is worth it all.
