Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Part of Everything

Everything around me moves
and I am absolutely still
I understand profoundly
how painful it is to move
the pointlessness 
of the whole action,
the utter waste
of physical, mental energy.
I lay so utterly wholely still
watching them all move.
Watching! I am not still,
not absolutely;
I watch, I think, I put'em on paper.
Everything moves
but my egoistic ego,
that doesn't want to believe,
that I am
a part of


Thursday, May 16, 2019

Late-Night Reading

I turn the page
reading about a lucid dream.
Longing for the same,
I inhale a puff of smoke,
breath in through my teeth,
let the smoke swoosh through my throat,
and swirl in my lungs
to swoosh back and splash
in to the outward space.
My eyes follow along,
up, up, and away.
The smoke swirls and swings
to the neat beat of the energies
in the room.

A monologue begins:
You were in me
and now you are out there
for me to see;
some part of me
is in you now
and some part of you
is now in me;
we are one
the smoke and I,
I float with you
in the out open sky
as much as you lay solid
and heavy on this ground.
