Thursday, March 14, 2019

Death Wish of a Soul

May these winds carry me
like a fallen faded autumn leaf
parted from the kith and kin,
blowing in the western wind...
May they graciously leave me
on a greener land lightyears away
where my being would turn to dust
as the days would fade to dusk.
May these winds carry me then,
a cloud of mere weightless dust,
over fragile lives and fertile grounds
beyond the beautiful blue-green mounds
to the vast infinite space
of dark matter and grace
where I would soothingly succumb
to the lullaby in our Mother's womb.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

කවි හිනා ඉඩෝරය

කවි පොලොව ඉරි තලා 
ඉඩොරේක හැඩ අරන් 
හිත කැඩී වෑස්සුනු 
දුක් ගඟුල් නැති කමින්
සන්තුෂ්ටියේ රශ්මි 
ධාරාව උනුහුමින්
හිත් නිම්නයම වෙලා 
එකළු කර ඇත පෙමින්
සොයන්නෙමි කළඹවා 
සිවු දිගම එක සැනෙන්
හමුවේද නොදනිම් 
කිසිදාක කොතනින් 
දුකක් මිස කවිකමට
රුකුල් දෙන හිනාවන්


Friday, March 1, 2019

The Dreaming Man

A man sleeps in a coffin,
a seeming bed of satin
lost deep in dreaming
of living after earning
a living:
Buried under a pile
of dust, dirt, and soil
of mundane mandatory toil
in disdain and turmoil;
Dreaming still, of feeding
the hungry mouths of seedlings
trampling the low, and kneeling
before the mighty in preaching;
Dreaming along, of a life
after work, worries, and strife
growing old with the wife
in a quiet mountain sight.
Dreams longing for the days
when   his   grandchildren   play
in the backyard by his grave
where he sleeps today.
