Thursday, February 28, 2019

(Water) Word-Cycle

Words pour like rain
when in utterly miserable pain
Tumultuous torrents
Flooding from a heart
throbbing with an aching
with nothing and nothing to gain
but the utterly miserable pain...

It never rains forever...

Fountains of poetry
under mountains of sorrow
after the rain, still remain
lingering on, to be borrowed
in happier times, of blue and yellow.

It's never all sunshine forever...

Inhaled by the rays of the sun,
the fountain water gathers in the sky
to make another grey cloud
another rainbow
another rain of pain
Another cycle's done
Yet another one begins...
and there goes life,
humming, strumming, and LIVING.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

To a Growing Young Sapling

A young sapling…
With so much passion
So much energy
Patiently vining its way
through the dark, passionate labyrinths of life.
Impatient, at times,
To touch,
To taste,
To feel…
That's what you were, then.
When I first beheld those eyes
They were refreshingly fresh,
constantly curious…
Trying to capture each moment in life;
Yet, as a rare combination of perfect colors,
They had the depth of a pundit
right by the side of that playful, sensuousness...
Now Grown…

Grown to be the masterpiece
of a young talented artist…
Grown to be the cruel hybrid
of a Darcy and a Dorian...
Grown.. To be owned
by a contemporary queen.
I will be the beholder
Of your life's painting.
I will be the oldest reader
Of the long novel of your life...
Cz I am a patient gamer,
I am a curious reader
till my mature eyes rest.