Sunday, June 25, 2023

Questions Provoking Thought

 What would I spend my time on

if I'm not spending it on love?

What else would I look for

if I no longer look for love?

Where would my dreams take me

if I'm not dreaming about love?

What would I do with my life

if I'm not sacrificing it for love?

Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Loosening Corset

 The tight laces tied back

holding the guards

that are up

like tall walls looming

over and around my heart

are coming undone tonight.

With a finger's pull

the laces loosen

the walls move farther

the cage of ribs fills up with air

conquering space, expands

and my heart leaps forth

through my breasts

like an untamed horse

through the ocean parted.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Living in Boulder Creek

How do I get this boulder

off of my chest, my shoulder,

This boulder that's daming up the creek

yearning to flow ever so freely?

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


Walking beside another

we learn the pace, the rhythm,

the perspective

of another soul's earthly dance.

We commit to an unspoken covenant

to dance together, side by side.

We slow down or speed up

to harmonize our moves

to keep that silent promise

out of sheer curiosity

to learn the pace of another life,

what the ticking of another heart

can be like.

Friday, February 17, 2023

The Saint of All Things Lost


I light a candle

at the feet of St. Anthony for you

The patron saint of all things lost

thinking of you,

the boy from St. Anthony's.

I should have known.

Going back home has turned into

this whole mixture of emotions

because of you.

You hugged me tight and long

and left

looking back at me standing there

over and over

till we were no longer in sight

of each other.

It was my farewell

but you were the one that left.

The warmth of the fondness,

that sat on the luxurious couch

in the living room of my mind palace,

at the center of my heart

has left, like you.

The pain, the fear, the grief

the emptiness, the weight, the silence

have taken its place


How wonderful would it be

to have you now...

We would have drifted apart even

if you lived.

But now that you are gone,

you are more alive

roaming in the maze of my mind.

Lucky you...


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

All things Good are Bitter

Nothing else is left

from all that's sown and reaped

but a Bitter Goard from a bitter God

to survive the whole winter.

They say it's good for you

that it's nourishment, a healer.

Nothing else is left

from all that's sown and reaped

but the pain and the punishment,

quite enough, quite close

to knocking my guard down.

But they say it is good for you.

That it is medicine. 

that the darkness is the womb

and silence, part of the treatment.

So, be patient, my patient. 

In this dark womb of silence

grow patience.

The weight of the soil that buries you

is the weight of the soul that carries you

up, and up, to crack the crust

and out into that long-lost light.


Thursday, February 2, 2023


I can feel all the animals in me

pacing, gracing, piercing, 

across the vast plains of my Psyche;

pecking, picking, perching

or flying across the endless skies;

resting, sleeping, hibernating

until the month of May

or waiting patiently for a prey;

yearning in heat for a lover's call

the thirst, the hunger

and the satiation of it all,

I can feel them all.
